2M single phase series

Family composed by 1 - 10 A sizes, characterised by a good attenuation in common and differential mode and by a low leakage current.
Connections are realised by FASTON terminals.

Technical data    
Code Part Number Features  Dim. WxHxP
7966 ET-RF 101 - 2M 1A / 250Vac 50-60Hz
7967 ET-RF 103 - 2M 3A / 250Vac 50-60Hz
7968 ET-RF 106 - 2M 6A / 250Vac 50-60Hz
7969 ET-RF 110 - 2M 10A / 250Vac 50-60Hz

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Viale dell'Industria 46 (zona Industriale) - 21052 Busto Arsizio - VA - Italy

eurotek phonetel. 0331.679930
fax 0331.679940

eurotek automazione industrialesales network and marketing division : marketing@eurotek.it
technical support: supporto@eurotek.it