300 and 360W switching battery charger with PFC

Switching battery chargers available for 12 or 24Vdc versions.
- AC input range selectable by switch (115-230VAC)
- Suitable for for lead-acid batteries
- Passive PFC compliance to EN61000-3-2 class A
- Protections short circuit, overload, over voltage
over temperature and revers polarity.
- 2 color led loading indicator.
- Buil-in remote ON/OFF control.

Technical Data    
Code Part Number Features  Dim. WxHxP
4424 ET/SW-CB/115-230/12/12,5A/PFC/PB300 300W 12VDC battery charger
4425 ET/SW-CB/115-230/24/6,25A/PFC/PB300 300W 24VDC battery charger
4426 ET/SW-CB/115-230/12/24,3A/PFC/PB360 360W 12VDC battery charger
4427 ET/SW-CB/115-230/24/12,5/PFC/PB360 360W 24VDC battery charger

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